If you haven't already, it's time to change a few things in your daily routine that the environment and our oceans will thank you for. Single use plastics need to become a thing of the past. 8 million tonnes of plastic is dumped into our oceans every single year, and it never disappears. A little extra thought and sometimes the odd compromise is where our future thinking needs to head. Below are a few suggestions that you can transition into your everyday routine.


Ocean Friendly Daily Habits


BYO Coffee Cup

Australians alone dispose of a whopping 2.7 million coffee per day…yes every single day! This is one of the easiest transitions you can do if you’re one who loves to grab a coffee on the go. Whether its a mug from your grandmas cupboard or the cup of your palms...BYO!!



Re-useable Shopping Bags

If you haven't caught onto this trend already then you're behind the game. Plastic bags are slowly shifting from stores around the world, however they’re still around. If you can carry it without a bag, then do so. Refuse the ‘reusable plastic bag’ too, they’re just as bad.


Say No to Cling Wrap

Reuse containers and old jars to store your leftovers in. Or invest in some beeswax wraps that act like clingwrap but don’t harm the planet! Plastic wrap Is difficult to recycle and is made from potential harmful chemicals, don’t do it!



The recycling game can be confusing. Check the local recycling methods in your area, it changes from shire to shire. Get educated and then it only takes a couple extra seconds in your day to check the packaging of an item, check if its got this sign, and recycle it the right way. Clean jars, remove food and labels if you can.



BYO Water Bottle

Humans buy around 1,000,000 plastic bottles a minute. If you live in Australia you have no excuse, we have some of THE best drinking water on the planet so fill your empty cordial bottle or pasta sauce jar up from the tap.



Pick it up

I understand other peoples rubbish lying around isn’t that hygienic to pick up, but if you see it, grab it and dispose of it correctly. It’s an illegal offence to not pick up dog poo, which is completely natural, yet we walk past plastic litter on every beach stroll??



Easy Plastic Free Shopping Alternatives



There is a local bakery on every corner, go say hi to the lovely ladies and ask for your favourite bread in a paper bag, too easy.



Unless you're completely and utterly set on a milk brand that comes in a plastic bottle, there are plenty of delicious paper packaged milk products out there.



Mamma mia! Too easy...choose the paper packaged option, tastes better.



Same thing, different packaging...



If we stop buying the vegetables that are wrapped in plastic, maybe the supermarkets will follow suit. Get your hands on these great re-useable mesh bags, use for any loose vegetable!



Butcher men and women are probably one of the friendliest people on the block, bring your own tuppa-ware container and avoid the single use plastic.